It’s a privilege

being a Christian is a great privilege. We no longer have to depend on ourselves. We no longer have to be in competition with the world and the people in it. We no longer have to listen to wrong or bad thoughts that the enemy puts in our mind. We no longer have to strive for acceptance or approval. We are never alone. We have a forever partner that is always with us and for us and forever loves us. We have someone that will never judge us. We have a true friend forever. We have freedom to be who we were created to be. And we have hope that we did not have before.

there are so many incredibly good things that come along with being a Christian that can get lost along the way when we get caught up in the religion side of it. We can get caught up in trying to be better and forget that we are already better in God’s sight. We get caught up in wanting people to like and approve of what we are doing and forget that God already approves of us. We get in the mindset that we need to do more and forget that because of Jesus it has already been done.

now of course if you have the spirit of God within you, you will always have some things that you want to change or do better because it is part of growing. We will be forever changing and growing up until the day we are called home. We should have a desire to do better. But we do not have to be or do better in order for God to love or accept us. Our desire to be and do better has to be for the purpose of growing into all that we can be for the honor of God. Nothing more and nothing less.

Being a Christian is a honor and a privilege. It is not a Duty or a job. It is a honor to be free from condemnation. It is a blessing to be accepted and loved just as you are right now, in the middle of your mess. It is a blessing that we will never be alone or be judged for our faults and failures. It is a honor that we have someone that wants to keep us out of trouble and guide us along the best path for us to take. And it is a honor to be the best that we can be to show honor and appreciation to God for all that he has done and will do for us.

Being a Christian is an opportunity to live a life that brings wholeness in every way. It is an opportunity to be free from the world and all it’s standards that actually cripple us. It is an opportunity to grow into who you were designed to be without any shame. It is an opportunity to do good in this troubled world. It is an opportunity to have life in abundance til it over flows.

Don’t let rules and regulations start to fester up in you. Don’t be fooled by the enemy, religion, or others that you have to do or be more before God will love and accept you. Don’t turn the priviledge into a duty and have the joy stolen from you that comes along with following Jesus. Embrace the divine privilege that has been given to you and walk your path Jesus receiving all that he is offering to you and sharing it with the world.

5 thoughts on “It’s a privilege

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